The Crazy Zebra????

I am a randomly crazy unique person, whom most people refer to as 'The Crazy Zebra'.
The Crazy Zebra??? you ask? - well I'll tell you why.

  • See, crazy is a part of me, it denotes my flamboyant/over-the-top personality with the attitude and style that makes me a complete individual!
  • And zebras - well I absolutely love zebras! The print is just a substitute, I prefer the whole zebras in collectible toys or pictures etc. Zebras are just such unique individual creatures that will never quite be the same as anyone else.
So now that I have answered the foremost question on your mind - was there anything else that you really wanted to know about me? Or has it all already been answered in one of my blogs?

(**,) Smiles

P.S. If your looking for me elsewhere - I am a social networking addict -you should be able to find The Crazy Zebra on most sites (sometimes without capitals or spaces) or you can just click here or here